Setting up Feed2Fedi

Downloading Feed2Fedi and installing dependencies / requirements

The easiest way to use Feed2Fedi is by installing from PyPi using pipx or pip.

I highly recommend using pipx if your system supports it. Installing Feed2Fedi with pipx is as simple as typing the following into a command line / terminal window:

pipx install feed2fedi

This command will download and install Feed2Fedi and all its dependencies / requirements from PyPi


All settings are defined in a config file that defaults to a file named config.json in the current directory. If you are starting from scratch you can just run Feed2Fedi and it will ask you a few questions, ask you to sign into your Fediverse account, and create a bare-bones config file.

If you’ve installed Feed2Fedi using pipx as recommended you can start Feed2Fedi from the command line by simply entering:

When you run Feed2Fedi for the first time it will:
  1. ask you for the domain name of the server for your Fediverse account.

  2. display a special authorization URL. Please enter that URL into your web browser. Follow the instructions on that site to generate an Authorization Code.

  3. ask for the Authorization Code for your account. Please supply the code created in step 2

  4. save an access token in your config file for future use. This access token should not be shared with others.

Specifying RSS / Atom feeds

See Config File Explained for details of the different settings in the config file. This will explain in detail how to specify the RSS / Atom feed(s) to read items from and cross post these to your Fediverse account.